1. A~80核区在束γ谱学研究进展. 王守宇, 许文政, 刘晨, 李志泉. 原子核物理评论, 37, 2020001(2020).
2. Recent progress in multiple chiral doublet bands, Chinese Physics C Vol. 44, No. 11 (2020).
3. Possible Candidates for Chirality in the Odd-Odd As Isotopes, C. Liu, S. Y. Wang, B. Qi, H. Jia, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 37, No. 11 (2020) 112101(2020).
4. Influence of triaxial deformation on wobbling motion in even-even nuclei. Bin Qi, Hui Zhang, Shou-Yu Wang, Qibo Chen. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics.(2020)
5. GW190814's Secondary Component with Mass 2.50–2.67
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6. Relation between gravitational mass and baryonic mass for non-rotating and rapidly rotating neutron stars. He Gao, Shun-Ke Ai, Zhou-Jian Cao, Bing Zhang, Zhen-Yu Zhu, Ang Li, Nai-Bo Zhang & Andreas Bauswein. Frontiers of Physics, 15, 24603 (2020).
7. Nuclear Symmetry Energies at Supra-saturation Densities Extracted from Observations of Neutron Stars and Gravitational Waves. Bao-An Li, Wen-Jie Xie, Nai-Bo Zhang, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1643, 012053(2020).
8. Constraints on the Muon Fraction and Density Profile in Neutron Stars. Nai-Bo Zhang, Bao-An Li. The Astrophysical Journal, 893, 61 (2020).
9. Key factor for determining relation between radius and tidal deformability of neutron stars: Slope of symmetry energy. Nai-Bo Zhang, Bin Qi, Shou-Yu Wang. Chinese Physics C, 44, 064103(2020).
10. Recent developments in chiral and spin polarization effects in heavy-ion collisions. Jian-Hua Gao, Guo-Liang Ma, Shi Pu, Qun Wang. Nuclear Science and Techniques, 31, 90 (2020).
11. Thermodynamics of chiral fermion system in a uniform magnetic field. Cheng Zhang, Ren-Hong Fang, Jian-Hua Gao, De-Fu. Phys. Rev. D 102, 056004(2020).
12. Quantum kinetic theory for spin-1/2 fermions in Wigner function formalism. Jian-Hua Gao, Zuo-Tang Liang, Qun Wang. International Journal of Modern Physics A.
13. Chiral Anomaly, Dirac Sea and Berry monopole in Wigner Function Approach. Ren-Hong Fang, Jian-Hua Gao. Nuclear Physics A.
14. Second-order Charge Currents and Stress Tensor in Chiral System. Ren-Hong Fang, Jian-Hua Gao. Phys. Rev. D.
1. First observation of high-spin states in the N = 83 nucleus 142Pr, Zhi-Quan Li, Shou-Yu Wang, Jian-Zhuo Guan,Wen-Jun Zhang, Tong Liu, Bin Qi, Shuo Wang, Da-Peng Sun, Lei Liu, Chen Liu, Pan Zhang, Nai-Bo Zhang, Hui Jia, Ya-Mei Zhang, Rui-Ju Guo, Xiao Xiao, Xing-Chi Han, Chen-Yang Niu, Zhi-Qiang Chen, Pin Lv, Chuan-Yang Li, Xiao-Guang Wu, Guang-Sheng Li, Chuang-Ye He, Yun Zheng, Cong-Bo Li, Hong-Wei Li and Peng-Wei Luo, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 46 ,105106(12pp) (2019)
2. Candidate chiral nuclei in bromine isotopes based on the triaxial relativistic mean field theory, B. Qi*, H. Jia, C. Liu , and S. Y. Wang*, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Vol. 62 No. 1: 012012 (2019)
3. Coexistence of chiral symmetry and pseudospin symmetry in one nucleus: triplet bands in 105Ag, Hui Jia, Bin Qi , Chen Liu and Shou-Yu Wang, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 46 ,035102 (2019)
4. New candidate chiral nucleus in the A≈80 mass region:82Br. C. Liu, S. Y. Wang, * B. Qi, S. Wang , D. P. Sun, and Z. Q. Li, et al., Phys. Rev. C 100, 054309 (2019)
5. Possible maximum mass of dark matter existing in compact stars based on the self-interacting fermionic model, Xu Dong Wang, Bin Qi, Gao Le Yang, Nai Bo Zhang and Shou Yu Wang, International Journal of Modern Physics D 2, 1950148 (2019)
6. Implications of the Mass = M 2.17(-0.10)(+0.11) M-circle dot of PSR J0740+6620 on the Equation of State of Super-dense Neutron- rich Nuclear Matter, Nai-Bo Zhang, Bao-An Li, The Astrophysical Journal, 879:99 (7pp) (2019)
7. Extracting nuclear symmetry energies at high densities from observations of neutron stars and gravitational waves, Nai-Bo Zhang, Bao-An Li,Eur. Phys. J. A, 55: 39 (2019)
8. Delineating effects of nuclear symmetry energy on the radii and tidal polarizabilities of neutron stars, Nai-Bo Zhang, Bao-An Li,J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 46, 014002 (2019)
9. The chiral vortical effect in Wigner function approach, Jian-hua Gao, Jin-yi Pang, Qun Wang, Phys. Rev. D 100,no.1, 016008 (2019)
10. Relativistic Quantum Kinetic Theory for Massive Fermions and Spin Effects. Jian-hua Gao, Zuo-Tang Liang, Phys. Rev. D 100 no.5, 056021(2019)
1. Possible “umbrella”-like antimagnetic rotation mode in odd-A 101,103Pd and even-even 102,104Pd, H. Jia, B. Qi, C. Liu, Q. Hu, and S. Y. Wang, Phys. Rev. C 97, 024335 (2018)
2. Description of the alternating parity band in octupole-soft140Xe based on axial vibrational-rotational model and triaxial rigid rotor model, X. Lu , B. Qi*, and S. Y. Wang, Chinese Physics Letter Vol. 35, No. 10, 102101 (2018)
3. Search for candidate chiral nuclei in rubidium isotopes, B. Qi, *, H. Jia,C. Liu , and S. Y. Wang*, Phys. Rev. C 98, 014305 (2018)
4. Evolution from quasivibrational to quasirotational structure in 155Tm and yrast 27/2− to 25/2− energy anomaly in the A ≈ 150 mass region, L. Liu, S. Y. Wang, S. Wang, H. Hua, S. Q. Zhang, J. Meng, R. A. Bark, S. M. Wyngaardt, B. Qi, D. P. Sun, C. Liu, Z. Q. Li, H. Jia, X. Q. Li, C. Xu, Z. H. Li, J. J. Sun, L. H. Zhu, P. Jones, E. A. Lawrie, J. J. Lawrie, M. Wiedeking, T. D. Bucher, T. Dinoko, L. Makhathini, S. N. T. Majola, S. P. Noncolela, O. Shirinda, J. Gál, G. Kalinka, J. Molnár, B. M. Nyakó, J. Timár, K. Juhász, and M. Arogunjo, Phys. Rev. C 97, 044306 (2018)
5. Investigation of high spin states in 133Cs, Q. Xu, Z.G. Xiao, S.J. Zhu, C. Qi, H. Jia, B. Qi, R.S. Wang, W.J. Cheng, Y. Zhang, H. Yi, L.M. L¨u, Y.J. Wang, H.J. Li, Y. Huang, Z. Zhang, X.G. Wu, C.B. Li, Y. Zheng, Q.M. Chen, W.K. Zhou and G.S. Li, Eur. Phys. J. A, 54: 83 (2018)
6. Possible candidate nuclei for chirality-parity quartet bands*, Chen Liu, Shou-Yu Wang, Bin Qi, Hui Jia, Chinese Physics C Vol. 42, No. 7, 074105 (2018)
7. Astrophysical constraints on a parametric equation of state for neutron-rich nucleonic matter, Nai-Bo Zhang, Bao-An Li, Nucl. Sci. Technol. 29, 178 (2018)
8. Combined Constraints on the Equation of State of Dense Neutron-rich Matter from Terrestrial Nuclear Experiments and Observations of Neutron Stars, Nai-Bo Zhang, Bao-An Li, Jun Xu, The Astrophysical Journal, 859:90 (12pp), (2018 )
9. Disentangling covariant Wigner functions for chiral fermions, Jian-Hua Gao, Zuo-Tang Liang, Qun Wang, Xin-Nian Wang, Phys. Rev. D Vol. 98, no. 3, 036019 (2018)
1. Shell-model calculations for the semi-magic nucleus 85Br and systematic features of the N=50 odd-A isotones, R.J Guo, Z.Q. Li, C. Liu, Y.H. Tian, S.Y. Wang, Chin. Phys. C 41 (8), 12017, 84105 (2017)
2. 实验探索原子核中手征与空间反射对称性的联立自发破缺, 王守宇,原子核物理评论,第34卷,第3期,2017年
3. Measurement of the Proton Beam Characteristics of Low-energy Accelerators, S. Wang, K.A. Li, S.W. Xu, S.B. Ma, X.D. Tang, J.J. He, N.T. Zhang, J. Su, Y.P. Shen, H. Chen, Z.J. Chen, C.J. Pei, H. Zhu, Z.R. Zhang, N.B. Zhang, S.Y. Wang, Nucl. Phys. Rev. 34, 03, 454 (2017)
4. Neutrino emissivity of the nucleon direct URCA process for rotational traditional and hyperonic neutron stars, N.B. Zhang, S.Y. Wang, B. Qi, J.H. Gao, B.Y. Sun, Chin. Phys. C 41, no.7, 075101 (2017)
5. Covariant chiral kinetic equation in the Wigner function approach, J.H. Gao, S. Pu, Q. Wang , Phys. Rev. D 96, no.1, 016002 (2017)
1. 原子核高自旋态中几个感兴趣的物理现象:从电转动带到订书机带再到剪刀带,赝自旋双带,王守宇,中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学,第46卷,第1期:012011,2016年
2. Chiral rotational models with multi-quasi-particle configuration (in Chieses), B. Qi, H. Jia, Sci Sin-Phys Mech Astron 46, 012014 (2016)
3. Evidence for Octupole Correlations in Multiple Chiral Doublet Bands, C. Liu, S.Y. Wang, R.A. Bark, S.Q. Zhang, J. Meng, B. Qi, P. Jones, S.M. Wyngaardt, J. Zhao, C. Xu, S.G. Zhou, S. Wang, D.P. Sun, L. Liu, Z.Q. Li, N.B. Zhang, H. Jia, X.Q. Li, H. Hua, Q.B. Chen, Z.G. Xiao, H.J. Li, L.H. Zhu, T.D. Bucher, T. Dinoko, J. Easton, K. Juhasz, A. Kamblawe, E. Khaleel, N. Khumalo, E.A. Lawrie, J.J. Lawrie, S.N.T. Majola, S.M. Mullins, S. Murray, J. Ndayishimye, D. Negi, S.P. Noncolela, S.S. Ntshangase, B.M. Nyako, J.N. Orce, P. Papka, J.F Sharpey-Schafer, O. Shirinda, P. Sithole, M.A. Stankiewicz, M. Wiedeking, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 112501 (2016)
4. A key factor to the spin parameter of uniformly rotating compact stars, crust structure, B. Qi, N.B. Zhang, B.Y. Sun, S.Y. Wang, J.H. Gao, Res. Astron. Astrophys. 16, no.4, 060 (2016)
5. High-spin states in the semimagic nucleus 89Y and neutron-core excitations in the N=50 isotones, Z.Q. Li, S.Y. Wang, C.Y. Niu, B. Qi, S. Wang, D.P. Sun, C. Liu, C.J. Xu, L. Liu, P. Zhang, X.G. Wu, G.S. Li, C.Y. He, Y. Zhang, C.B. Li, B.B. Yu, S.P. Hu, S.H. Yao, X.P. Cao, J.L. Wang, Phys. Rev. C 94, 014315 (2016)
6. Electromagnetic transitions in multiple chiral doublet bands, H. Jia, B. Qi, S. Y. Wang, S. Wang, C. Liu, Chin. Phys. C 40 (12), 91-98 (2016)
7. Bandhead energies in 125Cs, J. Sun, Y.J. Ma, T. Komatsubara, K. Furuno, Y.H. Zhang, W.P. Zhou, S.Y. Wang, X.Y. Wang, X.Y. Hu, H. Guo, J.Q. Wang, Y.Z. Liu, Phys. Rev. C 93, 064301 (2016)
8. Evolution of octupole correlations in 123Ba, X.C. Chen, J. Zhao, C. Xu, H. Hua, T.M. Shneidman, S.G. Zhou, X.G. Wu, X.Q. Li, S.Q. Zhang, Z.H. Li, W.Y. Liang, J. Meng, F.R. Xu, B. Qi, Y.L. Ye, D.X. Jiang, Y.Y. Cheng, C. He, J.J. Sun, R. Han, C.Y. Niu, C.G. Li, P.J. Li, C.G. Wang, H.Y. Wu, Z.H. Li, H. Zhou, S.P. Hu, H.Q. Zhang, G.S. Li, C.Y. He, Y. Zheng, C.B. Li, H. W. Li, Y.H. Wu, P.W. Luo, and J. Zhong, Phys. Rev. C 94, 021301(R) (2016)
9. Spectroscopy of 155Yb: Structure evolution in the N=85 isotones, X.Q. Li, C. Xu, S.Q. Zhang, H. Hua, J. Meng, R.A. Bark, Q.B. Chen, C.Y. Niu, R. Han, S.M. Wyngaardt, S.Y. Wang, S. Wang, B. Qi, L. Liu, L.H. Zhu, Z. Shi, G.L. Zhang, B.H. Sun, X.Y. Le, C.Y. Song, Y.L. Ye, D.X. Jiang, F.R. Xu, Z.H. Li, J.J. Sun, Y. Shi, P.W. Zhao, W.Y. Liang, C.G. Li, C.G. Wang, X.C. Chen, Z.H. Li, D.P. Sun, C. Liu, Z.Q. Li, P. Jones, E.A. Lawrie, J.J. Lawrie, M. Wiedeking, T.D. Bucher, T. Dinoko, B.V. Kheswa, L. Makhathini, S.N.T. Majola, J. Ndayishimye, S.P. Noncolela, O. Shirinda, J. Gal, G. Kalinka, J. Molnar, B.M. Nyako, J. Timar, K. Juhasz, M. Arogunjo, Phys. Rev. C 94, 024337 (2016)
10. Internal x-ray plateau in short GRBs: Signature of supramassive fast-rotating quark stars? A. Li, B. Zhang, N.B. Zhang, H. Gao, B. Qi, T. Liu, Phys. Rev. D 94, 083010 (2016)
11. Azimuthal Asymmetries of the Drell-Yan Process in pA Collisions, J.H. Gao, Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 40, 1660059 (2016)
1. High-spin states and possible "stapler" band in 115In, Z.Q. Chen, S.Y. Wang, L. Liu, P. Zhang, H. Jia, B. Qi, S. Wang, D.P. Sun, C. Liu, Z.Q. Li, X.G. Wu, G.S. Li, C.Y. He, Y. Zheng, and L.H. Zhu, Phys. Rev. C. 91, 044303 (2015)
2. High-spin states of the semimagic nucleus 141Pr, Z.Q. Li, S.Y. Wang, L. Liu, Y.M. Zhang, B. Qi, S. Wang, D.P. Sun, C. Liu, P. Zhang, N.B Zhang, H. Jia, Q. Hu, C.Y. Niu, Z.Q. Chen, P. Lv, C.Y. Li, X.G. Wu, G.S. Li, C.Y. He, Y. Zheng, C.B. Li, H.W. Li, P.W. Luo, Phys. Rev. C 91, 064319 (2015)
3. Spectroscopy of 76Se: Prolate-to-oblate shape transition, C. Xu, X.Q. Li, J. Meng, S.Q. Zhang, H. Hua, S. Y. Wang, B. Qi, C. Liu, Z.G. Xiao, H.J. Li, Phys. Rev. C. 91(6), 010303 (2015)
4. Studies of Chirality in the Mass 80, 100 and 190 Regions, R.A. Bark, E.O. Lieder, R.M. Lieder, E.A. Lawrie, J.J. Lawrie, S.P. Bvumbi, N.Y. Kheswa, S.S. Ntshangase, T.E. Madiba, P.L. Masiteng, S.M. Mullins, S. Murray, P. Papka, O. Shirinda, Q.B. Chen, S.Q. Zhang, Z.H. Zhang, P.W. Zhao, C. Xu, J. Meng, D.G. Roux, Z.P. Li, J. Peng, B. Qi, S.Y. Wang, Z.G. Xiao, Chiral Symmetry in Hadrons and Nuclei. Seventh International Symposium. 1-8 (2015)
5. Hyperon Effects on the Spin Parameter of Rotating Neutron Stars, B. Qi, N.B. Zhang, S.Y. Wang, B.Y. Sun, Chin. Phys. Lett. 32(11), 112101 (2015)
6. Magnetic moment, vorticity-spin coupling and parity-odd conductivity of chiral fermions in 4-dimensional Wigner functions, J.H. Gao, Q. Wang, Phys. Lett. B 749, 542-546 (2015)
7. Relativistic viscous hydrodynamics order by order, J.H. Gao, S. Pu, Phys. Rev. C 92, no.4, 044908 (2015)
8. Higher-twist contributions to the transverse momentum broadening in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering off large nuclei, J.J. Zhang, J.H. Gao, X.N. Wang, Phys. Rev. D 91, no.1, 014026 (2015)
1. Single-particle structures, high-spin isomers, and a strongly coupled band in odd-odd 120Sb, L. Liu, S.Y. Wang, Z.Q. Chen, C. Liu, B. Qi, D.P. Sun, S. Wang, Q. An, C.J. Xu, P. Zhang, Z.Q. Li, C.Y. Niu, X.G. Wu, G.S. Li, C.Y. He, Y. Zheng, C.B. Li, S.H. Yao, S.P. Hu, H.W. Li, J.J. Liu, J.L. Wang, Phys. Rev. C 90, 014313 (2014)
2. Competition between antimagnetic and core rotation in 109Cd within covariant density functional theory, P. Zhang, B Qi, S. Y. Wang, Phys. Rev. C. 89, 047302 (2014)
3. Resolution of Chiral Conundrum in 106Ag: Doppler-Shift Lifetime Investigation, E.O. Lieder, R.M. Lieder, R.A. Bark, Q.B. Chen, S.Q. Zhang, J. Meng, E.A. Lawrie, J.J. Lawrie, S.P. Bvumbi, N.Y. Kheswa, S.S. Ntshangase, T.E. Madiba, P.L. Masiteng, S.M. Mullins, S. Murray, P. Papka, D.G. Roux, O. Shirinda, Z.H. Zhang, P.W. Zhao, Z.P. Li, J. Peng, B. Qi, S.Y. Wang, Z.G. Xiao, C. Xu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 202502 (2014)
4. Studies of chirality in the mass 80, 100 and 190 regions, R.A. Bark, E.O. Lieder, R.M. Lieder, E.A. Lawrie, J.J. Lawrie, S.P. Bvumbi, N.Y. Kheswa, S.S. Ntshangase, T.E. Madiba, P.L. Masiteng, S.M. Mullins, S. Murray, P. Papka, O. Shirinda, Q.B. Chen, S.Q. Zhang, Z.H. Zhang, P.W. Zhao, C. Xu, J. Meng, D.G. Roux, Z.P. Li, J. Peng, B. Qi, S.Y. Wang, Z.G. Xiao, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 23(7), 1461001 (2014)
5. Singularities, boundary conditions and gauge link in the light cone gauge, J.H. Gao, Phys. Part. Nucl. 45, no.4, 704-713 (2014)
6. Vorticity and magnetic field production in relativistic ideal fluids, J.H. Gao, B. Qi, S.Y. Wang, Phys. Rev. D 90, no.8, 083001 (2014)
7. Structure functions in deep inelastic scattering from gauge/string duality beyond single-hadron final states, J.H. Gao, Z.G. Mou, Phys. Rev. D 90, 075018 (2014)
8. Nuclear dependencies of azimuthal asymmetries in the Drell-Yan process, L. Chen, J.H. Gao, Z.T. Liang, Phys. Rev. C 89, no.3, 035204 (2014)
9. Azimuthal asymmetries in semi-inclusive DIS with polarized beam and/or target and their nuclear dependences, Y.K. Song, J.H. Gao, Z.T. Liang, X.N. Wang, Phys. Rev. D 89, no.1, 014005 (2014)
1. Search for the chiral nuclei in a similar to 80 masa region, S.Y. Wang, B. Qi, L. Liu, J. Meng, S.Q. Zhang, H. Hua, X.Q. Li, Y.Y. Chen, L.H. Zhu, S.M. Wyngaardt, P. Papka, T.T. Ibrahim, R.A. Bark, P, Datta, E.A. Lawrie, J.J. Lawrie, S.N.T. Majola, P.L. Masiteng, S.M. Mullins, J. Gal, G. Kalinka, J. Molnar, B.M. Nyako, J. Timar, K. Juhasz, R. Schwengner, Nuclear Structure in China 2012 239-243 (2013)
2. Possible multiple chiral doublet bands in 107Ag, B. Qi, H. Jia, N.B. Zhang, C. Liu, S.Y. Wang, Phys. Rev. C 88, 027302 (2013)
3. Signature splitting, shape evolution, and nearly degenerate bands in 108Ag, C. Liu, S.Y. Wang, B. Qi, D.P. Sun, S. Wang, C.J. Xu, L. Liu, P. Zhang, Z.Q. Li, B. Wang, Phys. Rev. C. 88, 037301 (2013)
4. A Possible criterion for the static chirality: very small band interaction strength, L. Liu, S.Y. Wang, B. Qi, C. Liu, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 22(08), 13500602 (2013)
5. Spectroscopy of 157Yb and structure evolutions in odd-A Yb isotopes, C. Xu, H. Hua, X.Q. Li, S.Q. Zhang, J. Meng, Z.H. Li, F.R. Xu, Y.Y. Cheng, C. He, J.J. Sun, Y. Shi, H.L. Liu, Z.Y. Li, L.H. Zhu, X.G. Wu, G.S. Li, C.Y. He, Y. Zheng, S.G. Zhou, S.Y. Wang, Y.L. Ye, D.X. Jiang, T. Zheng, J.L. Lou, L.Y. Ma, E.H. Wang, L.L. Wang, B. Zhang, Phys. Rev. C 87, 034325 (2013)
6. Evidence for Multiple Chiral Doublet Bands in 133Ce, A.D. Ayangeakaa, U. Garg, M.D. Anthony, S. Frauendorf, J.T. Matta, B.K. Nayak, D. Patel, Q. B Chen, S.Q. Zhang, P.W. Zhao, B. Qi, J. Meng, R.V.F. Janssens, M.P. Carpenter, C.J. Chiara, F.G. Kondev, T. Lauritsen, D. Seweryniak, S. Zhu, S.S. Ghugre, R. Palit, Phys. Rev. Lett, 110(17), 172504 (2013)
7. Keplerian frequency of uniformly rotating neutron stars in relativistic mean field theory, N.B. Zhang, B. Qi, S.Y. Wang, S.L. Ge, B.Y. Sun, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 22(11), 1350085 (2013)
8. Some issues of chiral anomaly in quantum kinetic approach, J.H. Gao, S. Pu, Q. Wang, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 432, 012010 (2013)
9. Parity violating quantum kinetic theory in (2+1)-dimensions, J.W. Chen, J.H. Gao, J. Liu, S. Pu, Q. Wang, Phys. Rev. D 88, 074003 (2013)
1. Transition from Electric Rotation to Chiral Mode in 135Nd, B. Qi, J. Li, S.Y. Wang, J. Zhang, S.Q. Zhang, Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 (7), 072101 (2012)
2. The Influence of Triaxiality Parameter gamma on the Chiral Doublet Bands with (πg9/2) -1 (νh11/2) 2 Configuration, B. Qi, S.Y. Wang, X.Y. Zhao, X.Y. Zhu, D.P. Sun, C. Liu, C.J. Xu, Plasma Science & Technology 14(7), 595-597 (2012)
3. Description of the candidate chiral doublet bands in 98Tc, B. Qi, P. Zhang, J. Zhang, J. Fu, Y.Q. Li, H.H. Song, S.Y. Wang, Chin. Phys. C 36(10), 958-963 (2012)
4. Collective and noncollective states in 116Sb, S.Y. Wang, D.P. Sun, B. Qi, Z.Q. Chen, X.B. Hu, G. Wang, C. Liu, C.J. Xu, L. Liu, P. Zhang, Z.Q. Li, M.Z. Guo, Y.Y. Cai, Y.Q. Li, S.Y. Liu, S.M. Wyngaardt, L.H. Zhu, X.G. Wu, C.Y. He, Y. Zheng, G.S. Li, Phys. Rev. C. 86(6), 064302 (2012)
5. High-spin states in near-spherical 88Y, C.J. Xu, S.Y. Wang, C.Y. Niu, C. Liu, B. Qi, D.P. Sun, L. Liu, P. Zhang, Z.Q. Li, Z. Wang, X.G. Wu, G.S. Li, C.Y. He, Y. Zheng, B.B. Yu, C.B. Li, S.P. Hu, S.H. Yao, X.P. Cao, J.L. Wang, Phys. Rev. C 86, 027302 (2012)
6. Chiral Anomaly and Local Polarization Effect from Quantum Kinetic Approach, J.H. Gao, Z.T. Liang, S. Pu, Q. Wang, X.N. Wang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 232301 (2012)
7. Azimuthal asymmetry in SIDIS off nuclei as probe for q^, J.H. Gao, Andreas Schafer, J. Zhou, Phys. Rev. D 85, 074027 (2012)
8. Induced anomalous current in relativistic hydrodynamics with chiral anomaly, S. Pu, J.H. Gao, Central Eur. J. Phys. 10, 1258-1260 (2012)
1. Chirality in odd-A Rh isotopes within the triaxial particle rotor model, B. Qi, S.Q. Zhang, S.Y. Wang, J. Meng, T. Koike, Phys. Rev. C 83, 034303 (2011)
2. The first candidate for chiral nuclei in the A similar to 80 mass region: 80Br, S.Y. Wang, B. Qi, L. Liu, S.Q. Zhang, H. Hua, X.Q. Li, Y.Y. Chen, L.H. Zhu, J. Meng, S.M. Wyngaardt, P. Papka, T.T. Ibrahim, R.A. Bark, P. Datta, E.A. Lawrie, J.J. Lawrie, S.N.T. Majola, P.L. Masiteng, S.M. Mullins, J. Gál, G. Kalinka, J. Molnár, B.M. Nyakó, J. Timár, K. Juhász, R. Schwengne, Phys. Lett. B 703 (1), 40-45 (2011)
3. Configuration assignment of the positive-parity structures in 108Ag, C. Liu, S.Y. Wang, B. Qi, D.P. Sun, C.J. Xu, L. Liu, B. Wang, X.C. Shen, M.R. Qin, H. Chen, L.H. Zhu, X.G. Wu, G.S. Li, C.Y. He, Y. Zheng, L.L. Wang, B. Zhang, G.Y. Liu, Y.W. Wang, Inter. J. Mod. Phys. E 20 (11), 2351-2359 (2011)
4. Chiral Doublet Bands with ν h11/2 ⊗ ν d5/2-1 Configuration in the Particle Rotor Model, B. Qi, S. Y. Wang, S. Q. Zhang, Chin. Phys. Lett. 28(12), 122101 (2011)
5. New insight into the shape coexistence and shape evolution of 157Yb, C. Xu, H. Hua, X. Q. Li, J. Meng, Z. H. Li, F. R. Xu, Y. Shi, H. L. Liu, S. Q. Zhang, Z. Y. Li, Phys. Rev. C. 83(1), 014318 (2011)
6. Magnetic rotation in 112In, C.Y. He, X.Q. Li, L.H. Zhu, X.G. Wu, B. Qi, Y. Liu, B. Pan, G.S. Li, L.H. Li, Z.M. Wang, Z.Y. Li, S.Y. Wang, Q. Xu, J.G. Wang, H.B. Ding, J. Zhai, Phys. Rev. C 83, 024309 (2011)
1. Coexistence of collective and noncollective structures in 118Sn, S.Y. Wang, D.P. Sun, B.T. Duan, X.L. Ren, B. Qi, X.X. Zhu, F.Z. Lv, C. Liu, C.J. Xu, J. Meng, H. Hua, F.R. Xu, Z.Y. Li, S.Q. Zhang, Y. Shi, J.M. Yao, L.H. Zhu, X.G. Wu, G.S. Li, Y. Liu, X.Q. Li, Y. Zheng, L.L. Wang, L. Wang, Phys. Rev. C 81, 017301 (2010)
2. Band Interaction between Chiral Doublet Bands, B. Qi, S.Q. Zhang, S.Y. Wang, J. Meng, Chin. Phys. Lett. 27(11), 112101 (2010)
3. Theoretical study of positive-parity doublet bands in 124Cs, S.Y. Wang, B. Qi, D.P. Sun, Phys. Rev. C 82, 027303 (2010)
4. Shape coexistence and strongly coupled bands in 118Sb, S.Y. Wang, B. Qi, D.P. Sun, X.L. Ren, B.T. Duan, F. Chen, C. Liu, C.J. Xu, L. Liu, H. Hua, Z.Y. Li, J.M. Yao, L.H. Zhu, X.G. Wu, G.S. Li, Y. Liu, X.Q. Li, Y. Zheng, L.L. Wang, L. Wang, Phys. Rev. C 82, 057303 (2010)
5. Band properties of the transitional nucleus 189Pt, W. Hua, X.H. Zhou, Y.H. Zhang, Y. Zheng, M. L. Liu, F. Ma, S. Guo, F. Ma, S. Guo, L. Ma, S. T. Wang,N. T. Zhang, Y. D. Fang, X.G. Lei, Y.X. Guo, M. Oshima, Y. Toh, M. Koizumi, Y.Hatsukawa, B. Qi, S.Q. Zhang, J. Meng, and M. Sugawara, 7th China-Japan Joint Nuclear Physics Symposium, NOV 09-13, 2009 Univ Tsukuba, Inst Phys, Tsukuba, JAPAN NUCLEAR PHYSICS TRENDS, AIP Conference Proceedings 1235 77-83 (2010)
6. New Band Structures in A similar to 110 Neutron-Rich Nuclei, S.J. Zhu, J.H. Hamilton, J.G. Wang, H.B. Ding, L. Gu, A.V. Ramayya, J.K. Hwang, S.H. Liu, K. Li, Y.X. Luo, J.O. Rasmussen, I.Y. Lee, E.Y. Yeoh, Z. G. Xiao, B. Qi, J. Meng, 7th China-Japan Joint Nuclear Physics Symposium, NOV 09-13, 2009 Univ Tsukuba, Inst Phys, Tsukuba, JAPAN NUCLEAR PHYSICS TRENDS, AIP Conference Proceedings 1235, 253-259 (2010)
7. Chiral geometry of higher excited bands in triaxial nuclei with particle-hole configuration, Q.B. Chen, J.M. Yao, S.Q. Zhang, B. Qi, Phys. Rev. C 82, 067302 (2010)
8. High-spin yrast and yrare structures in 112In, C.Y. He, X.Q. Li, L.H. Zhu, X.G. Wu, Y. Liu, B. Pan, L.H. Li, Z.M. Wang, G.S. Li, Z.Y. Li, S.Y. Wang, Q. Xu, J.G. Wang, H.B. Ding, J. Zhai, Eur. Phys. J. A 46, 1-4 (2010)
9. Covariant Density Functional Theory for Nuclear Structure and Application in Astrophysics, J. Meng, Z.P. Li, H.Z. Liang, Z.M. Niu, J. Peng, B. Qi, B. Sun, S.Y. Wang, J.M. Yao, S.Q. Zhang, Nucl. Phys. A 834(1),436c-439c (2010)
10. New aspects of chiral symmetry breaking in atomic nucleus, J. Meng, S.Q. Zhang, B. Qi, S.Y. Wang, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 012030 (8 pp.) (2010)
11. New level scheme and magnetic rotation in 112In, C.Y. He, X.Q. Li, L.H. Zhu, X.G. Wu, Y. Liu, B. Pan, X. Hao, L.H. Li, Z.M. Wang, G.S. Li, Z.Y. Li, S.Y. Wang, Q. Xu, J.G. Wang, H.B. Ding, J. Zhai, Nucl. Phys. A 834(1-4), 84C-86C (2010)
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4. Chirality in odd-A nucleus 135Nd in particle rotor model, B. Qi, S.Q. Zhang, J. Meng, S.Y. Wang, S. Frauendorf, Phys. Lett. B 675(2), 175-180 (2009)
5. Examining B(M1) staggering as a fingerprint for chiral doublet bands, B. Qi, S.Q. Zhang, S.Y. Wang, J.M. Yao, J. Meng, Phys. Rev. C 79, 041302 (2009)
6. Signature splitting in 173W with triaxial particle rotor model, B. Qi, S.Q. Zhang, S.Y. Wang, J. Meng, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 18(1), 109-122 (2009)
7. Structural evolution of the intruder band in 118Sn, S.Y. Wang, B.T. Duan, X.X. Zhu, X.L. Ren, X.L. Yang, J. Xi, F.Z. Lue, D.P. Sun, Y.B. Lue, X.J. Liu, Chin. Phys. C 33, 838-841 (2009)
8. Shears bands in 112In, X.Q. Li, L.H. Zhu, X.G. Wu, C.Y. He, Y. Liu, B. Pan, X. Hao, L.H. Li, Z.M. Wang, G.S. Li, Phys. Rev. C. 33, 209-211 (2009)
9. Structure change of 156 Yb at high-spin states,H. Hua, Z.Y. Li, S.Y. Wang, J. Meng, Z.H. Li, X.Q. Li, F.R. Xu, H.L. Liu, S.Q. Zhang, S.G. Zhou, Y.L. Ye, D.X. Jiang, T. Zheng, L.H. Zhu, X.G. Wu, G.S. Li, C.Y. He, L.Y. Ma, F. Lu, F.Y. Fan, L.Y. Han, H. Wang, J. Xiao, X.Q. Li, D. Chen, X. Feng, J.L. Lou, Y. Liu, X. Hao, B. Pan, L.H. Li, Chin. Phys. C 33, 148-150 (2009)
10. Band Structures of the Nucleus 129Cs, Zhao, Y.X. Zhao, Y.J. Ma, W.P. Zhou, S.Y. Wang, G.Y. Liu, X.G. Wu, L.H. Zhu; X. Hao, Y. Liu, X.Q Li, Chin. Phys. Lett. 26(9), 092301 (2009)
11. Observation of Three-Quasiparticle Doublet Bands in 123I: Possible Evidence of Chirality, Y.X. Zhao, T. Komatsubara, Y.J. Ma, Y.H. Zhang, S.Y. Wang, Y.Z. Liu, K. Furuno, Chin. Phys. Lett. 26 (8), 70-73 (2009)
12. Candidate multiple chiral doublets nucleus 106Rh in a triaxial relativistic mean-field approach with time-odd fields, J.M. Yao, B. Qi, S.Q. Zhang, J. Peng, S.Y. Wang, J. Meng, Phys. Rev. C .79, 067302 (2009)
13. Study of the i13/2 band in 189Pt, W. Hua, X.H. Zhou, Y.H. Zhang, Y.X. Guo, M. Oshima, Y. Toh, M. Koizumi, A. Osa, Y. Hatsukawa, B. Qi, S.Q. Zhang, J. Meng, M. Sugawara, Chin. Phys. C 33, 743 (2009)
14. Properties of the rotational bands in the transitional nucleus 189Pt, W. Hua, X. H. Zhou, Y.H. Zhang, Y. Zheng, M.L. Liu, F. Ma, S. Guo, L. Ma, S.T. Wang, N.T. Zhang, Y.D. Fang, X.G. Lei, Y.X. Guo, M. Oshima, Y. Toh, M. Koizumi, and Y. Hatsukawa, B. Qi, S.Q. Zhang, J. Meng, and M. Sugawara, Phys. Rev. C 80, 034303 (2009)
1. Description of π g9/2 ⊗ ν h11/2 doublet bands in 106Rh, S.Y. Wang, S.Q. Zhang, B. Qi, J. Peng, J.M. Yao, J. Meng, Phys. Rev. C 77, 034314 (2008)
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3. High-spin states in 156Yb and structure evolutions at large angular momenta in even-A Yb isotopes, Z.Y. Li, H. Hua, S.Y. Wang, J. Meng, Z.H. Li, X.Q. Li, F.R. Xu, H.L. Liu, S.Q. Zhang, Y.L. Ye, D.X. Jiang, T. Zheng, L.Y. Ma, F. Lu, F.Y. Fan, L.Y. Han, H. Wang, J. Xiao, D. Chen, X. Fang, J.L. Lou, S.G. Zhou, L.H. Zhu, X.G. Wu, G.S. Li, C.Y. He, Y. Liu, X.Q. Li, X. Hao, B. Pan, L.H. Li, Phys. Rev. C 77, 064323 (2008)
4. Structure of high spin states in 112In, X.Q. Li, L.H. Zhu, X.G. Wu, C.Y. He, Y. Liu, B. Pan, X. Hao, L.H. Li, Z.M. Wang, G.S. Li, Z.Y. Li, S.Y. Wang, Q. Xu, J.G. Wang, H.B. Ding, J. Zhai, Chin. Phys. C 32, 124-126 (2008)
5. Chiral symmetry in atomic nuclei, J. Meng, B. Qi, S.Q. Zhang, S.Y. Wang, Mod. Phys. Lett. 23, 27-30, 2560-2567 (2008)